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Veille Agricole
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Isle of Man to get its own food provenance label
As food provenance becomes increasingly important for customers around the world, Manx produce will…
BASF Fortifies Digital Farming Offer with ZedX Acquisition
BASF has signed an agreement to acquire US-based company ZedX, a leader in the development of digital…
Trial shows how to slash the cost of soil compaction
 Switching to controlled traffic farming and reducing tyre pressures have been shown to increase crop…
Bio3G se tourne vers le grand public
Après 20 ans au service des professionnels de l’agriculture et des espaces verts, Bio3G lance sa marque…
La France suspend de nouveau les importations de cerises traitées au diméthoate
 L'arrêté est paru ce jeudi 27 avril au Journal Officiel : "L'introduction, l'importation…
General election: Soil Association puts climate change and soil health at heart of manifesto
Environmental charity the Soil Association has released its food and farming manifesto priorities. …
Un dispositif agriculteurs en difficulté
Le dispositif « Agridiff » s'adresse aux exploitants agricoles qui rencontrent des difficultés structurelles…
Ripon Reverend blesses tractors in preparation for Tractor Fest
Vintage tractors have been blessed by The Very Reverend John Dobson, Dean of Ripon Cathedral before…
Rural Business Awards to shine spotlight on best of UK rural entrepreneurship
Entering its third year, the Rural Business Awards will commence in June as the only UK-wide programme…