Agriculture Monitoring

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"L’autonomie alimentaire de leur exploitation est un véritable enjeu pour les éleveurs ovins laitiers.…
Widespread support for innovative crop technologies, which could make a huge difference to the farming…
Des chercheurs australiens et chinois ont testé le capteur Flir One, une petite camera infra-rouge qui…
"What is the best way of protecting apple cultivation from pests and fungal diseases while reducing…
"Innovative climate system cools and heats poultry houses and reduces fine dust by 80 percent..."
"In the meeting, the group is expected to set up a few sub-committees to work on the base year of WPI,…
"The French company Agripolyane, devoted to the development of agricultural plastics, together with…
"With labor costs rising and a labor pool that is shrinking, growers are trying to find ways in which…
"La gamme d’herbicides colza s’étoffe de deux nouveautés intéressantes pour lutter contre de nombreuses…